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A plea to first-time doll buyers who return their dolls

Doll Care Doll Philosophy General Topics

So, this is a subject that, when I unpack my point of view, won't seem worth discussing. More than that, this is one of those topics that should solicit one response only:

"It's my doll, so fuck off. I bought it, I can do what I want with it."

That's true, and I would lose an argument in a court of law if I tried to debate it. I accept that. But, I'm going to make the losing argument nonetheless. The issue I'm talking about is a neglected doll. Specifically, a neglected doll you send back, or try to re-sell.

It's true, a doll owner can do whatever they want with their doll. Dress them up, give them weird makeup, never clean them properly, damage them, or love them completely. I've dropped dolls by accident, I damaged dolls when I was inexperienced. I still feel awful about WM Felicity - the first sex doll I every had - and the improper cleaning she received, when I didn't know how to clean her properly. My best girl Mikasa (my Piper Eirian) also got damaged in the first few months of our relationship (she still has the scars). But, I'm not merely talking to just the inexperienced, I'm talking to a "type" of person.

Some time ago, I assisted in the transport of a used doll that was being put up for sale. She had to be taken out of the old box and transferred to a new one. I decided to give the doll a quick touch up with soap and water and some powder before she was re-packed. Seeing her, it was clear she hadn't been cleaned on the outside very well. I started spraying her down with soap and water to begin cleaning her up, and opened the legs to continue down her torso. That's when the smell hit me.

Okay, I do understand, fully well, that not everyone is "gifted" when it comes to caring for their stuff. I've known people so far on the edge that the mere suggestion something they own should be well cared for just made them indignant. There are people who stink, who walk around dirty, bad breath, who think the idea that you should shower is just corporate propaganda by "big soap", I could go on but you get the point. Those people exist and I've even been friends with some of them. And, in the case of the few friends of this type I've had over the years, they all shared one common view: they don't care what you think, they don't want to hear it.

Sure, but... come on.

The smell that hit me from that doll I just mentioned could be described as the following: a mixture of unwashed feet, bad body odour and crotch sweat, left out in the sun for a week. There was also some guy's pubic hair still on her vagina, and the strangest part was the brown stains between her legs. I wish I was exaggerating. I didn't have my full cleaning kit, so no access to an irrigator. Honestly, it never occurred to me that this could even be a scenario. I've seen dusty dolls from being stored without their blanket to protect them, and dolls that were stained on the skin from clothes that weren't doll safe. But, this was the first time I'd seen a doll that was obviously fucked, then stuffed back in the box, without being cleaned at all. This fuck-head was actually going to sell a doll he just fucked to someone else without cleaning her first. Like I already said... I wish I was exaggerating.

Here's some real, honest advice: if you're the type of person who's lazy, who doesn't give a shit about their stuff, fair enough. Seems like an unpleasant way to live, but we all chose our own style of living. If you're that type of person and you really want to buy a sex toy, may I suggest a fleshlight or masturbator instead of a doll? Easier to clean and maintain, and if you don't feel like cleaning it or maintaining it, you can easily just throw it on the floor with your dirty underwear until you want to use it again. But, if you're that type of person, but you really want a doll, maybe reconsider. A doll is likely not your best choice. But, if you do get one, but then decide you don't actually want a doll afterall, just take the loss and move on. But if you do buy a doll, use it and decide to sell it - maybe you can predict what I'm going to say already, but indulge me...

I keep myself clean, I keep my things clean, well ordered and maintained. That includes any dolls that enter the DollBanger studio, mine or otherwise. When a doll goes back to be sold, I wash and flush three times with anti-bacterial soap and water, I flush her again with either a mild medical cleaner diluted in water or 3% hydrogen peroxide. Then, I give her a baby oil rub down and powder her. And, I don't cum inside a doll that isn't exclusively my personal doll. That said, the guy mentioned above could say to me, "I don't give a shit what you do, I'll do whatever the fuck I want to do." To that I'd have to say, "Sure, fair enough, except for one thing..." you're now pushing that philosophy onto the next person and giving them "your experience" of a doll, instgead of the one they were looking for. That's not fair, and not cool.

It's not the reseller's fault you didn't think this through.

It's not the next guy's problem that you don't know how life works.

Do the bare minimum and consider your affect on others.

When Star Wars: The Force Awakens [SPOILER, so if you haven't seen it yet, skip this paragraph], a guy posted a meme that gave away the plot, showing Han Solo killed by Kylo Ren. The meme title was something like, "Han Solo gets killed by his son Kylo Ren. You're welcome". It only took about 10 mins for all the hate comments. People who didn't know what the image was until it was too late, and now couldn't un-see it, were all saying versions of the same thing. "Wow, thanks for ruining the experience, asshole." This is where I'll give this guy a sliver of credit... he truly, deeply and authenticaly gave exactly zero-fucks. It was very stranbge to watch him comment back, the same thing, over and over... "You're a Disney sheep-ple and you're still going to watch it, so why do you care?" It was sort of impressive, while also being extremely shitty. Over the next 24 hours, nearly everyone unfriended him, including me. He thought that was because everyone was a Disney-pussy. He missed the point.

Why is that relative to my post? Well, the same rule applies. In the case of the Star Wars spoiler guy, he made the decision for everyone, by inserting his opinion into their timelines without a warning or filter. He could argue, "So?" And, by the way, he did, but it was still an unneccessary dick move.

Same goes for the doll guy.

So, my plea to disappointyed doll resellers is simply this - don't decide what the next person's doll experience is going to be like, before they can. Dolls are a real investment of time and energy. I have a growing doll collection myself with 13 dolls (+ one that's on the way), and more coming in the future. Each one needs attention, care and maintenance. Even my dolls that are years old, are like new. Not your jam? Fine, not everyone's committment is the same. Just know that someone like me, doesn't want to get a doll from someone like the guy above. Do the bare minimum.

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